A Restoration and Repair Guide 101 for your Brownstone by Dream Construction NYC

Brownstone owners, listen up! If you happen to own a brownstone in Brooklyn, understand how to maintain and restore your brownstone through this guide. This guide offered by Dream Construction NYC covers everything from facade restoration to ironwork to cleaning to ensure your brownstone is in the best condition it can be.

Brownstone Restoration Needs

With time as with everything, your Brownstone home will also require attention and upkeep. It will need different exterior works from brownstone facade restoration or facade repair, stoop restoration or stoop repair, cornice work, masonry work, ironwork, or some cleaning from time to time. Regular maintenance of your home is important so that you can preserve the historical charm of your house and so that you stay up to code for your home.

Brownstone Facade Restoration

  1. Chipping Away Old Layer: when starting the restoration project, we chip away the old damaged layer of the brownstone.
  2. Applying Scratch Coat: Next, we add a scratch coat to have a good foundation for the new brownstone layers that will be added.
  3. Rebuilding the Facade: As mentioned, then brownstone layers are added which gives a new look to your facade.

Note: If you don’t want to go through the entire restoration of the facade, a repair option is also available. We will target the affected area to do patchwork and make sure the colors and textures match.

Stoop Restoration and Ironworks

Cleaning Your Brownstone

You should clean your brownstone if you haven’t done it recently. It boosts the appearance of your brownstone without having some of the extensive work done. Power washing is available as well as soft hand washing. We also use chemical solutions like the diluted muriatic acid solution for strong stains.

Repair vs. Restoration: What Should I Choose?

Choose Correct Professionals

If you are trusting someone with your valuable brownstone home, please trust qualified professionals who will give you quality work and share your vision of restoring your home. Dream Construction NYC is a trusted expert in brownstone restoration and has worked with many Brooklyn homeowners who are 110% satisfied with the work.

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